What kind of person is still able to get a sincere laugh from Dennis Miller, and not see him as a talented opportunist who outsmarted himself and has ended up like a character from an old Twilight Zone, stranded (by his own scheming) forever on a planet of idiots?
Ken On Contribution
Donald: Thank you for the discussion yesterday - I've been thinking a lot about it.
Ken: I feel specifically catalytic about it.
Donald: "Specifically catalytic"?
Ken: I remain completely unchanged.
Posted 4/26/2007 0 comments
Doreen On The Rich
They didn't get it by being stupid,
and they won't lose it by being honest.
Posted 4/22/2007 1 comments
Your Editor On Joy
They say that Marines are equivalent to twice as many infantry, that Spartans held against thousandfold odds, and that men in defence of a homeland cannot be defeated.
Apathy cedes to passion in all endeavors. In conflict, in business, in love. Match your battles with your desires and forever dance on the tail of the curve.
And what is your desire? What is worth the battle? All but the basest desires are weak without purpose.
Existential depression visits purposeless children too keen to sleep – to simply be is not enough. Yet, those children persist. Become purposeless adults. Did notions of universality come to them too young, and as they grew, uncover as too subjective the absolutes? In God’s absence, order is a poor father figure.
Is faith a prerequisite of desire persued and fulfilled, of joy?
Posted 4/16/2007 0 comments
Sara's Tooth
Upon reminding that she needed to prepare for the Tooth Fairy's nighttime visit, Sara enthusiastically replied, "I'm going to get her!" and rushed to bed, newly departed tooth in hand.
-Apr 16, 2007.
Posted 4/16/2007 0 comments
Adam Off The Bottle
With almost no effort at all, little Adam is off the bottle as of March '07. He is so little trouble, and is more handsome than a son of mine could hope to be.
Posted 4/16/2007 1 comments